Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Wednesday 10th November

Last night's midnight call to NICU revealed that Stanley had a bit of an episode. He decided to stop breathing for a few minutes and needed what is so joyfully known as 'bagging'. Not the best of thoughts to be going to bed with, but he had been on just nasal prongs for 14 hours, so he was probably just tired. We're used to seeing our kids stopping breathing and starting to turn blue, so we weren't all that worried.

The morning report was much better - they'd both had settled, stable nights, and Willow's oxygen requirements were still not rising much.

After a day's work in the office, for some reason I made the terrible decision of catching a bus to Poole. What a delightful experience that was. I had to wait 15 minutes for a bus that comes every 7 minutes, and then when I got on it, had the obligatory couple of loud alcoholics sitting behind me, breathing down my neck. I might just get the train next time. First class.

Anyway, today's hospital experience was generally positive again. Stanley was wearing a lovely stripey jumper, and spent a long time out of his cot. Willow's respiratory rate, which the ventilator supplies, had gone down from 65 to 50 breaths per minute. This means she is doing more of her own breaths, so she appears to be going in the right direction. If she keeps up the good work, the plan is to give her surfactant to try and help her lungs. We'll see how she gets on overnight and tomorrow.

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