Thursday, 21 April 2011

Some more Aprilness

This month is going nicely. The babies' spirits have been reflecting the sunny weather, and their parents are following suit most of the time. Willow and Stanley enjoyed another trip to the beautiful Dorset coastline at the weekend. We're actually getting out and about a lot more nowadays, rather than wasting our Saturdays and Sundays in hungover oblivion. In fact, the 2011 London Marathon was the first one I've watched without feeling sick and needing a pizza. These babies have given us so much more motivation to get out there and appreciate everything.

They're still getting on really well, and starting to look a lot more grown up. Stanley sat up unaided for 12 seconds yesterday, and he can pretty much stand if we hold his arms. Willow is still not as strong physically, but she seems to have more accomplished co-ordination skills. They're both smiling a lot, and react to each other more and more when they're lying together on their play mat. They're sleeping much less during the day, and have been going through the night since Saturday. This means we've got our evenings back, and just having two hours or so to relax and talk to each other in a normal adult voice, feels like ages. I really don't know what we did with our time before Willow and Stanley made their appearance.

Willow's oxygen requirements are very slowly coming down, but it's taking longer than we expected to wean her off of it. She's on 0.125 of a litre an hour now, compared with usually 0.5 litres when she came home - so we are getting there. We can't imagine what it's going to be like to have neither baby needing additional oxygen - it's going to be an amazing day when that finally happens.

After a day of *working* from home today, I now have eleven days off to enjoy the lovely weather with the wife and kids. Wahoo!