Thursday, 11 November 2010

Thursday 11th November

I've had a sore throat building since last night, and this morning feel like I'm getting a cold. This is horrible, as it means I can't go and see my babies today. I hope it doesn't develop, and just goes away.

Leela called from the hospital. Stanley was his usual self, but the docs think that Willow may now have a virus. If it is a virus, that might be good as at least we might know what's causing problems - but it means they can't start her on the treatment for her lungs. She really doesn't need a virus after all she's been through. We should find out pretty soon, when they test the 'snot sample'.

Meanwhile, trying to do some work while waiting for that result, and not being able to go to the hospital, is no good for me at all.

It's been a long day, but just got a call from Leela. Willow has not got a virus, wahoo! I am so bloody relieved. She's also been doing better this afternoon, and they are starting her on the surfactant.

(The science bit (thanks as usual, my friend wikipedia): Surfactant is surface-active lipoprotein complex (phospholipoprotein) formed by type II alveolar cells. Its main functions are 1) To increase pulmonary compliance. 2) To prevent atelectasis (collapse of the lung) at the end of expiration. 3)To facilitate recruitment of collapsed airways. Premature babies have a lack of this stuff in their lungs, as they shouldn't really be breathing until they're due to be out of the womb. Hence they generally have Infant Respiratory Distress Syndrome)

So, Willow is getting a couple of doses of this to see if it helps at all. If it doesn't, then she'll get a second course of steroids. The problem with steroids is that there is a risk of having an effect on brain development, so you have to weigh everything up. Right now, we just want our daughter to have a fighting chance at life. We know that she has the fight in her, she just needs that something extra to give her a chance.

The next couple of days are going to be crucial, as either the surfactant or the steroids will hopefully give her the boost she needs to take that tube out. So, as usual, it's a waiting game.

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