Struggled to get out of bed this morning, after having a couple of hours of half-sleep. At least I don't have to get up every three hours to express milk though, like my amazing wife (I don't think it would work if I tried it, anyway). The rest of the time is taken up with nightmares about what could happen. And then full consciousness arrives and the real nightmare starts again.
The morning report said Willow was still on 70-80% oxygen, and Stanley was still Stanleying about. So - a standard start to the day, and one we have come to expect.
After fitting in a few hours of working from home, we went to the hospital. Willow's oxygen requirement was starting to go down, which looked promising. But then, it was down yesterday, and soon shot back up. Stanley looked extremely cute with a big woollen cardigan and a proper baby-grow. He's looking just like a real baby now, only in miniature. Saying that; he is getting less miniature, at a whopping 3lbs 4oz.
Today in general was more of an 'up' day - Willow's oxygen requirements did stay down in the 60s, and she was looking more settled. She's also back on 1ml of milk an hour after having her feeds stopped due to multiple issues going on. So, all we need is for these positive vibes to keep floating about NICU, kill this infection and get those lungs working. She's still wriggling about like crazy despite being on a vast amount of morphine, so she's obviously got her mother's fighting spirit. With that, she should be just fine.
On the way home we popped in for a quick visit to see Nanna and Grandad, who had with them a great aunt and two great uncles, and who force-fed us lasagne, beer and too much dessert. And to think we just going to have Weetabix for dinner tonight.
I am constantly amazed by how people cope through things and you two are a fantastic example of this. I think about you all a lot, and despite my lack of religious inclination have found myself praying to someone, anyone to send you all everything you need and hope for. Look after each other and keep strong xx