Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Monday 7th February

This time, Monday morning brought with it a positive overnight report from the hospital. Much better than last Monday's anyway, which was on the other end of the scale. It's amazing how much things can change in a week.

Another good day for Willow and Stanley; a slightly less stressful day for the parents. Things are going well at the moment, apart from Willow's continued 'squits' (which seems to be the official term).

They've both been weighed again - Willow is 9lbs 8oz, Stanley is 10lbs 7oz. So no worries in the weight gain department; that box on the discharge list is well and truly ticked.

We're still not speculating about when they might be home; it always ends in disappointment. So we'll just take each day as it comes. The next big day in the calendar is next Monday - Valentine's Day. As much as we dislike the commercial hell that it has come to be, it would've been quite nice for our babies to come home on the 'day of love'. That is very unlikely to happen though. So, next on the list is my birthday, the 8th of March. Surely, they won't still be in hospital by then...

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