Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Wednesday 19th January

When I arrived at NICU after work, I found our two babies fast asleep, being lovingly gazed upon by their mother. They're getting into a nice little routine now; consisting of an eating period, which is becoming less stressful for both child and parent, followed by a very awake period, which involves burping, filling nappies, looking around and 'talking', followed by a lengthy sleeping period. For so many of their 17 weeks of life, we could only helplessly look at them through the glass of the incubators, as they struggled to even live. So to be able to interact with them as normal babies, as we do now, is amazing.

I need to stop eating so much and so quickly - it's a bad example to our children. I think I've given Stanley the hunger gene. He'd had his full day's milk quota by six o'clock this evening; and he'll eat anything that's put anywhere near his mouth, including his sister's fingers. Willow is actually not far behind either; if she didn't still have the 'ventilator effect' voice, her hunger screams would be just as loud as her brother's.

Although we are still cherishing every one of those cries that both of them are getting so good at, I wonder if we'll feel the same after our short break with them at Hotel NICU this weekend. We'll find out soon enough.

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