Thursday, 27 January 2011

Thursday 27th January

Well, that was a crappy way to start our stay in the nursery.

I called this morning to check on the kids. They'd had a perfect night, until poor Willow had one of her episodes and needed bagging again. We were just so totally fed up after hearing that; wondering if this really is ever going to end. Each time this happens, it adds at least two weeks to our departure date.

We're hoping there is a reason for it though. Willow was started on the same new formula as Stanley yesterday, to see if it would help her reflux a bit. It seems to have had the opposite effect though - she is de-saturating quite a bit while feeding and is having more bradycardias. She's now back on what she was on before, so hopefully this will restore her exemplary feeding skills. Tomorrow's morning status report should give us an indication as to how that's working out.

Other than all that stuff, both of our perfect little bundles of joy seem to be enjoying their new home. Let's hope they don't get too used to it though; we don't want to be here forever, thank you.

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