Saturday, 1 January 2011

Saturday 1st January 2011

Well, that was a positive start to the year, if ever there was one. After coming back home from NICU late last night, we sunk a well deserved bottle of champagne and had a bit of a lie-in for a change. In the morning, I called NICU for the first time in 2011 and received a very pleasing overnight report. They'd both been good again, and Willow had still not had any further episodes. We could definitely get used to this type of phonecall for the remainder of their sentence.

While we were with them today, Willow and Stanley continued to be very stable and were very impressive with their bottle-feeding skills. They can both now suck, swallow and breathe like little experts; but Willow is still more accomplished at it than Stanley.

They were weighed again yesterday; Stanley is 7lbs 3oz, and Willow is 6lbs 3oz. They're both looking like proper babies now, and appear to be interacting with each other in their cot. It's an amazing sight to see; we could just sit there and watch them for hours. Willow is definitely going to have the upper hand when they get back home; she is not going to take any nonsense from her brother. He's too busy guzzling, whinging and sleeping. I really don't know where either of them get these characteristics from.

There are only two more days off work until it's back to business as usual and the traditional New Year diet starting on Tuesday; so until then, I think what's in order is a good deal of guzzling, whinging and sleeping.

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