Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Wednesday 3rd November

Bit of a crap day today. I’m feeling really down about Willow. Was very upsetting seeing her today looking all puffy because of fluid retention. Also, I just don’t like Southampton as much and want her to come home to Poole. It probably makes a difference that we started out there so we know how it all works and have got to know the staff.

It feels a bit like we are going nowhere at the moment, and I had some fleeting thoughts that Willow will just never get off this bloody ventilator.

Its times like these that I realize how lucky Leela and I are to have each other. Just can’t imagine getting through this on my own.

I don’t think it helps when we see Stanley in the morning and then go to Southampton – by the evening we are already drained and tired so it’s not going to be good seeing Willow when we’re feeling like that.

On a positive note – Stanley is doing really well, so it’s a real joy when we see him, and are able to hold him like a normal baby.

Just can’t wait to be able to hold our daughter. Cannot bloody wait.

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