Saturday, 20 November 2010

Saturday 20th November

It was a long day in NICU today, and we're both completely exhausted. The general theme, though, was one of positivity, including my first double trouble cuddle - probably the proudest moment of life so far.

Both Willow and Stanley were still being nicely stable most of the time, although the boy is still a bit on the chubby side. He's now started on diuretics to get rid of the excess fluids. Towards the end of the day, Willow's oxygen saturations started to waiver so her requirements were increasing. This may be the beginning of the steroid-weaning having an effect - which we were expecting anyway. We just can't cope with her going backwards too much.

Today, we had what was supposed to be a break in the town centre. I don't think that's even possible in Poole though - particularly in the Dolphin Centre, at the start of the Christmas shopping season. Isn't this what the internet was invented for - to not have to go to shops anymore? We only wanted to go somewhere for a quiet sandwich. So, for tomorrow's lunch then, it looks like it's back to the BP garage for an incorrect coffee and a Kit Kat Chunky.

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