A very busy couple of days.
For me: work, hospital, eat, sleep. For Leela: express, hospital, express, hospital, express, eat, express, sleep (briefly).
It's all pretty exhausting; it'll just ne nice when we can do the above, without the 'hospital' bit in the middle.
That bit though, has been almost enjoyable for the last couple of days. Willow and Stanley are both growing bigger and stronger; the boy still slightly ahead with his breathing function but his big (little) sister right behind him.
I wasn't there for the doctor's round this morning, but it sounds like it was a good one. They started with Willow as usual, as she is in bed #1. The doc had a look at her and said, 'So, here's Willow and she looks...... well, she looks amazing really.' He had a tear in his eye as he looked at Leela with tears in her eyes. All the staff here are so good, they really care about these little babies and they want, as much as anyone, to see them do well. We'll never complain about the NHS again, that's for sure. Apparently it costs £1000 per day to keep one baby in intensive care - so that's our taxes well spent anyway.
Another milestone was reached today - Stanley managed to drink some milk straight from the source. Leela's been trying for a few days with both of them and today he really went for it. It won't be long til Willow's doing the same - she was trying to find some milk in my chest this evening. I think she'll have some trouble finding any in there.
We decided to not go to a take-away or restaurant for dinner tonight, opting to see what we had in the fridge instead. Well, that was a mistake. All that was left was a tub of spinach and ricotta sauce, and a packet of tortellini. Trouble is, it was spinach and ricotta flavoured tortellini. It was alright if you like warm, spinach and ricotta flavoured lumpy milkshake.
So..... where shall we go for dinner tomorrow night then?
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