Saturday, 27 November 2010

Friday 26th November

Willow and Stanley Senior are nine weeks old today, so they're 35 weeks into the full 40. We're still optimistically aiming for the original due date, New Year's Day, for the homecoming; but it will most likely be after that. It will certainly be an NHS turkey sandwich for our Christmas dinner, washed down with a frappe-mocha-mericano-cino from the BP garage.

The kids have both been weighed this week, this time without any additional swelling in either of them. Willow is now a quite substantial 3lbs 5oz and Stanley is a rather humongous 4lbs 2oz.

They're both looking perfect in every way, and we enjoyed holding them again today - despite a number of 'special' moments that Willow was having. We were expecting a lot worse though this week - she has done amazingly well since stopping the dexamethasone.

The days are still slowly ticking by, in a very gradual upward direction. The dips and backward steps are becoming smaller, but we're still very aware that any infection or other ailment could put either of them in trouble again.

We're now just looking forward to tomorrow for another family weekend in our Poole holiday home.

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