Friday, 15 October 2010

15th October

There was a certain level of excitement in the air today. Yesterday there was talk of a potential cuddle with Stanley – now that he is relatively stable. He (and Willow) have also had their ‘long lines’ removed now. The long line is basically the main tube which was going up their legs all the way to their hearts. This was the route the major drip was taking, which was providing the fluids and nutrition. So, since the milk intake had now increased to 5ml an hour, this was all the nutrition they should now require; hence the drip could be removed. Another good thing about this was that a major potential source of infection was being removed.

After Nanna and Grandad had visited again today, it was time for the main event – cuddle time. Leela was understandably over the moon at the prospect. Although I’d very much like a cuddle with my babies, I think it is even harder for the mother, and certainly more important for the youngsters.

So Stanley was out of his box for half an hour, and seemed to enjoy being back close to Mummy where he really should still be. I didn’t get to hold him today but perhaps I’ll get the next one. It was amazing to see Leela with one of our babies, especially as it made her so happy.

A bit later on we decided to visit the canteen in the main hospital. Not sure we’ll be doing that again. It’s located down in the basement, and you’re greeted with a very pungent hospital/farmyard smell when you approach the restaurant area. We opted for what was supposed to be an apple doughnut, and a cup of coffee. The ‘doughnut’ was really just a stale bit of dough filled with cheap apple mush, the coffee about as good as you’d expect.

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